Health Services

Health Services at Mount Mercy supports the physical and psychological needs of students, faculty and staff on campus. A physician assistant is available to students, faculty, and staff to help with specific health needs and to assist in maintaining and improving your overall well-being.

Office Hours

Emergency care is provided by Health Services during regular hours:

11:00 AM-1:00 PM (hours subject to change)
Call 319-286-4439 to confirm hours 
Office: University Center 240F
Office email:

Medical Services can be obtainted via appointment (view MercyCare Health at Mount Mercy for scheduling info) or walk in. Our care is provided by our contracted provider/physician assistant. During college holidays and breaks, our offices will be closed.

Need Emergency Care after hours or on the weekend? Contact:

  • Ambulance: 911 (if calling from campus phone, dial 9+911)
  • Public Safety: 319-363-1323 Ext 1234 (always contact Public Safety for emergencies)
  • Mercy Medical Center: 319-398-6041
  • Unity Point Hospital: 319-369-7105
  • Ask-a-Nurse: 1-800-593-1414

24/7 video visits are also available outside of office hours through MercyCare Health at Mount Mercy.

First aid kits and AED’s are maintained in all residence halls and other various locations. Please ask an Resident Assistant (RA) for assistance or call Public Safety at 319-363-1323 Ext 1234.

About Health Services

Mount Mercy University Health Services is a comprehensive outpatient clinic which can meet the most basic health needs of students.

Medical problems that are beyond the scope of Health Services staff are referred to appropriate off campus facilities.

Mount Mercy University Health Services is staffed by a licensed Physician Assistant (PA) who is a provider contracted through Mercy Medical Center in Cedar Rapids. Physician Assistants have a graduate degree, advanced education and clinical training. They are licensed to practice by the Iowa Board of Physician Assistants.

Health Services offers general acute health care services to the campus community.

The services provided in Health Services are available to all Mount Mercy University students and faculty/staff. These include but are not limited to first aid and care of minor physical injuries, illness assessment, dental concerns, over the counter medications, covid testing, consultation and referral services.

How We Can Help

Below is a comprehensive list of our supplies, provisions, forms, and external resources.

Note: If the student requires more specialized care requiring imaging studies, labs, point of care testing to include UA, strep, mono or flu the patient’s insurance is utilized. Patients must have a MyChart account to schedule a visit, which can be created at the MercyCare Health at Mount Mercy website. These visits will be billed to your personal health insurance.

A limited selection of over the counter medications and supplies such as throat lozenges, antihistamines, cold medications, Tylenol, ibuprofen, antacids, ace bandages, ice packs and menstrual products are available in health services. These services are complimentary.

  • Health promotion
  • Assessment, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of minor illness/injury
  • Diagnosis of medical conditions
  • Diagnostic tests (strep, mono, covid, flu, STI screening, pregnancy, urinalysis, blood sugar screening)
  • Prescriptions for medications when appropriate
  • Initial evaluation for mental health conditions with referrals
  • Physical exams (pre-employment, athletic requirement or pre-nursing)
  • Reference materials on a variety of health topics
  • Medical referrals as necessary

Prescriptions will be sent to the student’s choice of pharmacy. Labs and/or imaging studies will be obtained at a local lab, urgent care or hospital.

The costs for these prescriptions and studies will be the responsibility of the patient and billed to insurance. It is the responsibility of each student to carry some form of medical insurance. Many students are covered by family health insurance as long as they are in school. Students must check to be certain they have medical coverage and know the procedures for using their insurance.

Our confidentiality policy: All health records are maintained strictly confidential and securely filed. Information is released only when a student’s permission is given by written consent.

Emergency Contacts, Immunizations, Health Insurance and Medical History forms: incoming students are required to submit this information during the admissions process. Failure to provide this information will result in cancellation of your registration.

Night or weekend emergencies: Students should seek treatment at one of the local urgent care clinics or Emergency Departments. Public Safety Officers can be contacted after hours 319-363-1323 ext. 1234

Emergency Departments:

Urgent Care Clinics: